We’ve created an all-encompassing book-writing system: we have a plan that will get you from idea stage to polished manuscript stage. Right now, we’re offering it through our author coaching program. However, we are in the process of creating a go-at-your-own-pace online course. So stay tuned for news on that!

Meanwhile, if you’re curious about author coaching…

Author Coaches are sometimes called Book Coaches. We like to say “author” here because you, the author, are the person working with the coach. Your book isn’t working with anyone. They are solo artists in that way.

When you use an author coach, you work the way you would with a physical trainer. A trainer knows what is required for you to achieve your results; they will set goals, offer advice on your form, and provide feedback so you continually improve. Similarly, an author coach will have meetings with you to set your writing goals, guide you through outlining and structuring your content, provide feedback on your writing so you constantly improve, and be your inspiring voice when you need it. Only we never yell at you, nor do we believe in the “no pain no gain” philosophy.

Writing coach

My book would not have been possible without Lisa. She kept me focused, pulled the stories out of me (even the not-so-fun ones), and helped my written words come to life and read more like I speak and communicate naturally.

Jeremy Delk, CEO Delk Enterprises. Author of Without a Plan, named by Forbes magazine as one of “3 Books to Build a Thriving and Productive Business in 2023.”

A Formal Plan

As mentioned above, we have something special in the author coaching category: a specific process and program that will walk you through completing a manuscript. Here’s the really cool news: you can do it in as little as six months. Yes, you can write a book in six months but (you knew there would be a “but,” right?) you’ll only get it done if you do your homework! Most authors take a year for the full program (and they still need to do their homework).

However long you take, doesn’t matter. You’ll be given the same guidance and encouragement, technical education on things like chapter structure (sounds boring, but ya gotta know it), techniques to deal with writer’s block and imposter syndrome, and tools to learn how to self-edit. You’ll also get direct feedback on the pages you write while in the program.

The total cost is $24,000 broken into either six or twelve months. That might sound expensive, but it’s cheaper than getting an MFA in creative writing, and probably more practical. Also, if you talk to your accountant, you might discover writing your book is a tax-deductible business expense.

We also have ghostwriters at the ready if you don’t have the time or the desire to write your book yourself.

Are you ready to get started? Let’s connect to talk about your idea for a book! We’ll be happy to have a free 30-minute consultation call.

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