What We Do

Tasfil has the skills and the team to help you corral your knowledge, memories, insights, and personality into a beautifully produced book. In addition to traditional fiction and nonfiction, we help with

  • family heritage books
  • coloring books
  • cookbooks
  • planners
  • workbooks

What do you want to create?

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A collection of our latest interactions brought by the best bloggers.
We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we do.

10 Reasons to Write a Book

With 12 million (and counting) books on Amazon right now, you might be wondering why anyone would even think it's a good idea to write a book.…

A Formula for Fiction — plot paradigm

Few like to admit that good fiction writing is formulaic. To do so would suggest that everyone is writing a variation of the same story. However, it seems…

Thinking about using song lyrics in your book? You might want to change your mind.

For some reason, many aspiring bookwriters put someone else’s lyrics in their books. We’ve discovered that about 65% of the manuscripts we’ve received so far include snippets…